5 DIY Herbal Hair Oils that Nourishes your Hair

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Hair oil is vital nourishment for the scalp and the roots of the hair. It is always massaged gently on the scalp. The middle two fingers are dipped in the oil and then it is rubbed very lightly on the head so the pores of the scalp opens and the oil penetrates deep inside the root of the hair. This is a simple process that has been followed since ages. But still there are some variations to apply this hair oil. Some of us first heat the oil and uses warm oil for the massage. Some prefer to add additional herbs to the oil and boil the oil. Once it is lukewarm, this herb infused oil is used to gently massage the scalp. Some of us like me don’t like to oil the hair however looking at all the numerous benefits of hair oil use it for the hair growth and nourishment.

Yes, many of us don’t like oil massage as it feels sticky and stinky but they also can’t ignore the benefits of oil for the hair. Hair serum, vitamin capsules, hair packs are all substitute elements for the hair but hair oil is the major element for strong hair. So let us check which types of oil we can use for our hairs to be strong, nourished, and healthy.

Among all the available hair oils in the market here are some products which are widely used like Kesh Kanti oil by Patanjali. Consumers have faith in Ayurveda and so it has been loved as well as advertised more. Parachute Coconut Oil is one of the oldest and trusted hair oil brand and it has some amazing products including Coconut, Ayurvedic, Jasmine, Aloe Vera, Crème Oil, and Hot Oil. Parachute Coconut Oil is considered as one of the best hair oil from a very long time that strengthens and nourishes the hair. Another form of coconut oil that is widely popular is Dabur’s Vatika Enriched Hair Oil and is due to the natural ingredients used in the oil such as Heena, Amla, Almond, Olive, Argan, Lemon, Black seed, and Garlic. Dabur Almond oil is again an older brand which is enriched with almond protein and Vitamin E which prevents split ends and promotes hair growth. Many people like to use this oil and it is considered as the best option for people who want a change from their regular parachute coconut oil and want some good smelling hair. Trichup is an herbal hair products brand which was launched in 1990. Since then it is recognized as the largest prescribed hair oil. It is made using sesame oil including a combination of 14 powerful herbs to make it the most powerful herbal therapeutic hair care brand.

In this fast paced life people prefer using different brands of hair oil, but there are still many who like to make some Herbal Hair Oils right at their home for the most common hair problems like, dandruff, hair fall, greying, split ends, and dry and dull hair.  Women choses some herbal ingredients like bringraaj, heena, neem, trifla, fenugreek, etc. to add in their oil. Some also uses bottle gourd, camphor boiled in the oil. Let us see how these ingredients can be used to make a herbal oil:

  1. Coconut oil is boiled with grated bottle gourd also known as opo squash until the water from the bottle gourd evaporates and then cooled down. This oil is used to gently massage on the scalp to strengthen the hair and prevent them from hair fall. This oil will give you long black hair and prevent from premature greying.
  2. Around 2-3 camphor pieces are added to coconut oil or castor oil and heated till the camphor dissolves completely in the oil. This oil is used to massage the scalp to keep the hair free of lice and it also very beneficial in treating dandruff. It will also cool your scalp and act as a pain reliever. This oil is used when the oil is little warm so that all the pores of the scalp opens up and the oil penetrates into the roots.
  3. Few crushed Hibiscus flowers are boiled with coconut oil and once the oil cools down, it can be filtered and filled in a glass jar or bottle. Hibiscus is great for hair growth, it also controls hair fall, premature greying, and prevents split ends. It nourishes the hair and makes them strong and shiny and helps to fight dandruff.
  4. Almond oil contains high level of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and Vitamin E that will nourish and repair your damaged hair. It will also strengthen your hair and helps in hair growth. Few drops of Almond oil will treat your scalp and bring back the shine to your hair and give you soft and silky hair.
  5. Neem leaves has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that helps to treat health and skin problem and infections. Dried Neem leaves are mixed with heena powder and boiled with Coconut oil to treat dry scalp, dandruff, and hair fall. Neem oil is proven to be effective in treating head lice and promote healthy scalp. It will repair and nourish your hair and give you strong and lustrous hair.

Everyone has their own choice of the type of hair oil, but the reason is just one and that is hair care.  Each one of us wants beautiful, strong, and healthy hair, so we need to give little time to nourish our hair. Select the herbal hair oil according to your hair problem, and try the remedy couple of times a week. Massage the hair oil gently in to the scalp and roots and then apply onto the ends to prevent split ends. Keep it for about 30-40 minutes for the oil to penetrate into the scalp and heal the skin and wash off with mild shampoo and conditioner. Try the treatment for a couple of times to see whether it works best for your hair and scalp. Initially, it may show no signs of repair and lead to hair fall, but in few weeks you may see the change with healthy and beautiful hair.


Trupti Bhatt

Extremely enthusiastic about writing, reading, movies and food; though not necessarily in that order! A Feminist by choice and finds comfort in giving 'gyaan' from time to time. Would love constructive feedback on my writing as I am always looking for ways to improve!

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