Helping Hands

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After listening to Razia’s story Aditi was very disturbed and upset. She thought, “How one can be so disrespectful and inhumane towards his own wife? In 21st century, people are still living with old mentality. When will this come to an end?” In any case she wanted to help her. But the question was that: how can she interfere in her personal matter?

To help Razia, she started meeting her in coffee shop. She started giving her strong mental support and advised her to raise her voice against the harassment of her family members. For the same thing, she was waiting for Razia in the coffee shop when Gautam had seen her car. That day Razia didn’t come. But now Gautam came to know the reality and appreciated Aditi for her good effort. He decided to help and support them in whatever manner he can.

That day Gautam calmly thought of this situation. He found out that it is very easy to separate Junaid and Razia and then after Razia can live her life according to her wish. But what after then? She has to live alone without family which was not a solution to the problem. Again it was easy to file a court case, but once the family has bitterness in their relationship they can’t live happily any more. And the worst idea was to go to his house and explain Junaid about.

Things were getting worst because Junaid had already made his mind to abort the baby. Thinking around, Gautam came to a conclusion that first they all should make Junaid understand the importance of girl and then his family members. And for this she asked Aditi to include her friends to support Razia.

Gautam and Aditi wanted to stop the discrimination against girls. They both wanted to support women and young girls for their rights. Still today there is preference for having sons. Girls are identified as a financial burden for the family due to small incomes and expensive dowry demands. As soon as little girls are born they are killed, and if any how they survive, her in-laws or husband agitates her by their words to kill the girl.

Razia was feeling lonely, but now Aditi and Gautam had decided to help her. Razia trusted Aditi more than herself. She knew that Aditi will find a way to save her baby.


Trupti Bhatt

Extremely enthusiastic about writing, reading, movies and food; though not necessarily in that order! A Feminist by choice and finds comfort in giving 'gyaan' from time to time. Would love constructive feedback on my writing as I am always looking for ways to improve!

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